Let us become become masters of ourselves, and not servants to our inner forces and patterns.
Hi there. I’m Cass, an insatiable truth seeker, wisdom holder, and dispenser of liberating Aquarian waters.
From a young age, I’ve been enchanted with the skies above us. As a kid, I’d climb onto the rooftop from my bedroom window with my astronomy book, a blanket, and fall sleep while searching for constellations under the magical expanse of the night sky. It wasn’t until later in life I realized I wasn’t just searching for stars—I was searching for depth and meaning.
I’ve spent the last 20 years diving into all things metaphysical, spiritual, and psychological in my search for truth, meaning, what is real, and the answers to life’s most difficult questions and humanity’s deepest struggles.
Over the years, only what has stood the test of time, the darkest nights (and years) of the soul, and the grinding challenges of every day life, has remained.
Astrology, which came to me at 18, has been a consistent, bright and shining golden lamp that illuminates the darkness, provides a clear mirror for reflection and growth, and a steady compass to navigate life’s labyrinthian passageways and trap doors.
I’ve successfully applied its wisdom and special guidance to navigate the unfolding of my life, step more into my power and highest potential, and transform myself and my life by aligning myself with my soul’s intention for this lifetime, and the will of the Divine.
After I quit my corporate tech job as a graphic designer, I followed my innate passion, curiosity, and joy deeper into astrology’s infinite depths and mysteries. Astrology quickly become my primary passion and driving force, and a master key that unlocked countless doors that had remained closed to me for decades.
And I knew—I’m ready to take it to the next level, become a professional astrologer, and give this gift of astrology as my spiritual service on earth. The right teacher, the right school showed up, the opportunity dropped into my lap and the rocket ship took off….And here we are.